Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Environmental Performance Report 2018-19
Kilmore District Health is committed to improving the way we manage our energy, materials and waste for a sustainable and thriving future. We will achieve this through the implementation of our Environmental Strategy and in 2018-19 we significantly progressed this work:
Sustainability and Waste Action Group convened in November 2018. The purpose of this group is to monitor energy efficiency and waste management program.
Participated in the Victorian Regional Solar Energy project. Installation of solar panels are planned for early 2020 with a forecast reduction in energy consumption of 204K KWh per annum translating to a 16% reduction in C02e.
Waste recycling program expanded with the following initiatives implemented:
Review of confidential paper recycling undertaken and introduction of a weighted measure of waste;
Printer toner, battery and mobile phone recycling; and
Plastic waste now separated from other waste for recycling​.