As announced by the Premier of Victoria today, Victoria will enter Stage 4 restrictions from 11.59pm tonight, Friday 12 February 2021 until 11.59pm on Wednesday 17 February 2021.
All Victorians will only be able to leave home for four essential reasons including –
· Work or study, if you cannot work or study from home
· Shopping for food or other essential items
· To provide care giving, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment
· For exercise for only two (2) hours per day, with members from your household or one other person
Visitors to KDH will not be granted access to the hospital or Aged Care facilities during the lockdown period except on compassionate grounds for palliative and end of life care, the partner or support person of a maternity patient or parent of a child under 18 years old.
Maternity patients presenting to labour ward or post labour can have one partner or support person with them.
For patients who have ante-natal appointments during the lockdown period, these appointments will continue, however, some may be moved to telehealth or phone calls. If your appointment will need to change, you will be contacted by one of our staff members as soon as possible.
Theatre and Outpatients
At this point in time, we are working through our scheduled Theatre lists and outpatient appointments over the lockdown period. We will update patients with further information as soon as possible.