Contact Details
David Clark
Theatre Nurse Unit Manager
P: (03) 5734 2168
The options for local surgery continue to grow at Kilmore District Health (KDH).
KDH's pre-admission guidelines, developed with anaesthetists and surgeons, provide for a safer assessment and delivery of surgical care. As part of the overall process we have a pre-anaesthetic assessment clinic run by senior Theatre nurses in consultation with our anaesthetic team. It is a chance for patients to get ready for surgery by asking questions to alleviate any concerns.
We conduct a medical review to check that each patient's procedure can be performed safely and within the hospital's capability. If it is not appropriate for surgery to be performed at KDH, the patient will be referred back to their surgeon. If the surgery subsequently happens elsewhere, we make it possible for patients to transfer back for post-operative care and recovery close to home.
The majority of surgeons now consult right here in our outpatient building. This makes local access to specialists easy - without the hassle of travelling to the city.
​We communicate with our local GPs so they are clear about who and what's available here for their patients. We are also listening to doctors to hear what our community needs so we can plan to deliver the appropriate services for our rural setting. What is now available at KDH includes new state of the art equipment, thanks to fundraising, generous donations and increased capital investment.
The latest model endoscopy suite gives our surgeons a clear look into bowel or stomach abnormalities, so they can diagnose cancer and provide early treatments. Our Laparoscopic Tower is in use for gynaecological, orthopaedic, urology, ear, nose and throat, plus general surgery.
Everything we are doing is about delivering a better experience for patients.
The day surgery unit means that we can closely monitor patients and facilitate a quicker and safer discharge process. We have also improved aftercare processes, which enables some patients, who would previously have stayed overnight, to safely recover in the comfort of their own home with family.
Our theatre currently performs:
General Surgery
Ear, Nose and Throat
Varicose Veins
Please note all that appointments for surgeons and specialists need to be made through their individual rooms.
Theatre Patients - Rapid Antigen Testing
Theatre patients attending for surgery are required to present on the day of surgery with evidence of a completed, negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT). Evidence includes a photo of the negative RAT with the date and time the photo was taken.