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New Visiting Hours - December 2020

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

From Monday 7 December 2020, visiting hours within the main hospital will be from 10am to 11.30am and 4pm to 8pm daily.

When entering the hospital, you will have your temperature checked and be screened and asked to provide contact details. You will also be required to sign in and sign out.

Maternity Patients

Women giving birth at KDH can have TWO support people with them during birth (there are no time restrictions relating to a patient's partner/support person whilst in birth suite). Once transferred to the ward, standard visiting hours apply. Aged Care - Caladenia and Dianella

Visiting Hours - 11.30am until 7.30pm

  • All visitors will be screened prior to entry

  • All visitors must wear a surgical face mask (except if aged under 12 years)

  • Visits permitted in residents rooms

  • Visits permitted in communal spaces where the number of people per space requirement is met.

Resident outings permitted following discussions with the nursing staff. Outpatients Building

Anyone presenting to the Outpatients Building will be required to sign in upon arrival and will be provided with a mask.

Due to the size of our consulting rooms, to maintain social distancing we prefer that you only bring one support person to your appointments as we cannot guarantee that there will be a room available to accommodate any additional support persons.


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