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Contact Details

Susan Palmer

P: 5734 2092



Volunteers are highly regarded by staff, patients, residents, families and our broader community.  Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in the lives of others whilst at the same time building social contacts and having fun. Our volunteer motto is “It’s the little things that count the most”.  As little as one hour a week of your time can make a huge difference to others. There are many areas where we welcome the support of volunteers. Volunteers assist on weekdays and weekends and provide support across all our services.


In the hospital volunteers provide welcome support to patients, visitors and staff. Your help can make a hospital visit or stay a more comfortable experience for patients and their families.


In aged care our older residents value sharing time and conversations, joining in activities, accessing events and familiar places in their local community, and the assistance received during meal times.


If you have an interest in the wellbeing of others, can enjoy conversations and getting along with others, and can work as a member of a team you are likely to have the right qualities for volunteering. People volunteer for many different reasons from wanting to meet others to contributing to their local community. Whatever the reason all our volunteers agree that they often receive as much from their volunteering role as they give.  


We offer regular support and training to support you in your volunteering role. If you would like to volunteer please contact our Volunteer Coordinator who will make a time to speak with you further about volunteering. 

In accordance with legislation, all volunteer applicants must undergo a police check, the cost of which is covered by Kilmore District Health as well as a Working with Children Check (Volunteer).



Volunteer Groups

KDH has two groups of volunteers who raise much needed funds for the organisation. 


Auxiliary Group
The KDH Auxiliary Group meet monthly and hold a number of events throughout the year to raise funds. 

Opportunity Shop
The Opportunity Shop is located at 40 Albert Street, Kilmore and is open from Thursday - Saturday from 10am.


If you would like to join the Auxiliary Group or Opportunity Shop volunteers, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator. 


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